The SIMATIC IPC Support Package for VxWorks supports the additional hardware interfaces of SIMATIC IPCs which are not supported by VxWorks, e.g. PROFIBUS, PROFINET and hardware-dependent functions (e.g. reading out the temperature). The Support Package contains the drivers and application examples necessary for creating customer-specific applications both in kernel and in RTP mode.

Of the various Wind River product variants of the VxWorks real-time operating system, the "Platform for Industrial Devices" is used. From this platform, the VxWorks Runtime System V6.9 (32-bit) is used as runtime environment and the Workbench V3.3 is used as development environment, or the VxWorks Runtime System V7 (32-bit) is used as runtime environment and the Workbench V4 as development environment.

To allow you to use the functionalities, the SIMATIC IPC Support Package for VxWorks is installed on the development computer. The target system can then be commissioned. Important basic settings must be prepared on the development computer and transferred to the target system. The SIMATIC IPC Support Package for VxWorks contains online help and code completion for the PROFIBUS, PROFINET and hardware-dependent functions.


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