针对某些嵌入式系统处理数据量大和速度高的特点,提出一种应用于嵌入式系统VxW orks中的内存文件系统.通过在内存中建立文件系统,将数据存放于内存中,既可以提高存取速度又可以节省外存空间,在某些特殊环境及设备中,可以减少对磁盘的操作,从而达到保护磁盘的目的.
嵌入式系统; 内存文件系统; VxWorks;
Based on the capability of dealing with large amount of data and high access speed of some embedded system, a RAM file system is proposed which is used in embedded system VxWorks. Allocating data in RAM can both accelerate the access speed and save space of eternal memory, providing protection for disk by reducing the direct operations on disk.