基于COM Express的回波预处理模块设计



基于COM Express的回波预处理模块设计

Date 2019-01-03
File Size 937.12 KB
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A radar echoes pre-processing module based on COM Express was designed to met with the rebuild need of data processing platform which is used in shipborne radar. The echoes data receiving bottle-neck of radar system is solved by moving the radarechoes pre-processing function to the interface board, which adjusted the implementation of data processing platform and its software. The paper analyses the rebuild need of data processing platform, described the design plan of the module, the hardware design, the signal flow of echoes data as well as the driver of PEX8311 chip in Vxworks operating system. The module highly improved the processing ability of radar echoes data, witch can receive and process the radar echoes data correctly even in extremelyhard station, so it met the need with the rebuild need of radar data processing platform.