1.create file on floopy disk and write contents:
-> pdev=fdDevCreate(0,0,0,0) /* A:,1.44M,whole disk,offset */
-> dosFsMkfs("/fd0",pdev)
-> fd=creat("/fd0/myfile",2) or -> fp=fopen("/fd0/myfile","w")
-> buf="what you want to write to file"
-> write(fd,buf,strlen(buf)+1) or -> fprintf(fp,buf)
-> close(fd) or -> fclose(fp)
2.open file and read contents from floopy disk:
-> readbuf=malloc(100)
-> fd=open("/fd0/myfile",2) or -> fp=fopen("/fd0/myfile","r")
-> read(fd,readbuf,100) or -> fread(readbuf,1,50,fp)
-> printf readbuf
-> close(fd) or -> close(fp)
3.on simpc shell:
-> fp=fopen("host:d:/temp/myfile","w")
-> fprintf(fp,"kjkkhjk")
-> fclose(fp)